Lectures (In Person at University of Maryland Campus, College Park, MD) Lectures will focus on landscape plant IPM with emphasis on insect and disease pest management. Topics covered include: Introduction to IPM, diagnostics and damage symptoms (pests and abiotic), biology and management of key insect and disease pests, biological control and sustainable pest management, and business aspects of IPM. Most lectures will be accompanied by slide presentations and handouts of additional information. Lecturers will be faculty members and professionals in the field who have practical experience in designing and implementing successful IPM programs. This is one course so you can NOT register for individual days. Re-certification credits are based on attendance all days.
Labs (In Person at University of Maryland Campus, College Park, MD) The lab sessions will relate to lecture topics but will focus on diagnostics of plant problems and insect / mite identification using live and other specimens, and interactive activities. Session topics will focus on plant diseases, chewing and boring insect pests, sucking insect and mite pests, and biological control agents. Labs will be run by instructors with the assistance of graduate students.
Teaching materials to be provided electronically via secure website:
PowerPoint pdf’s PDF’s of all presentation slides will be provided prior to the start of the course.
Syllabus The syllabus contains most of the information presented in the lectures. It was designed especially for this course and will greatly reduce the amount of note-taking during class. Many original illustrations and tables are included as an aid to the identification of key pests and beneficial insects. The syllabus is provided only to people attending the short course. It is not for sale to the general public. The syllabus is copy righted and should NOT be used for other purposes.
Bulletins, fact sheets, and other educational resources Participants will receive online access to additional publications dealing with disease and insect pests, diagnostics, biological control, and best management practices.
Resources Recommended for IPM Practitioners The following list of texts on plant pest identification and management are highly recommended by course organizers. Ordering and cost information are provided below for attendees who may wish to add these excellent references to their personal libraries.
Managing Insects and Mites on Woody Plants: an IPM Approach, 3rd Edition (Note: This book will be provided to all short course attendees at no additional cost.) By John A. Davidson, PhD and Michael J. Raupp, PhD This resource is the definitive source for managing insects and mites on woody plants. Quickly identify and research more than 145 different pests. 246 color photos. View details at https://www.tcia.org/TCIA/Shop/TCIA%20Item_Detail.aspx?iProductCode=BKIMWP3&Category
Insects that Feed on Trees and Shrubs, 2nd Edition Revised By Warren T. Johnson and Howard H. Lyon View details at https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9780801426025/insects-that-feed-on- trees-and-shrubs/#bookTabs=1 $99.95 plus shipping and handling Available from: Cornell University Press, Longleaf Distributing Service Telephone: (800) 848-6224, Ext. 1, 8:30-5:00 Eastern Standard Time Students should be able to receive a 30% discount by mentioning Code 09ST30 (note: Discount won’t appear until payment information has been added in the shopping cart. After that, the discounted price will appear and then you submit the order.)
Diseases of Trees and Shrubs, 2nd Edition By Wayne Sinclair and Howard H. Lyon View details at https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9780801443718/diseases-of-trees-and- shrubs/#bookTabs=1 $94.95 plus shipping and handling Available from Cornell University Press, Longleaf Distributing Service: Telephone: (800) 848-6224, Ext. 1, 8:30-5:00 Eastern Standard Time Students should be able to receive a 30% discount by mentioning Code 09ST30 (note: Discount won’t appear until payment information has been added in the shopping cart. After that, the discounted price will appear and then you submit the order.)
Pest Resistant Trees and Shrubs: A Fresh Approach to Selecting Common Woody Landscape Plants (2006, updated 2016) By Deborah Smith-Fiola Questions/inquiries may be emailed to [email protected] $13.50 with shipping, available by written request with check or money order only, payable to: Landscape IPM Enterprises 5214 Hollow Tree Lane Keedysville, MD 21756
PAULA M. SHREWSBURY, Ph.D., Professor and Extension Entomologist in Ornamental and Turf IPM. Her responsibilities include research, extension, and teaching on ornamental insect pests of nurseries, landscapes, and turfgrass. Dr. Shrewsbury’s research and Extension program focus is to create sustainable landscapes, nurseries, and turf systems with an emphasis on biological control, conservation of beneficial arthropods, and management of invasive species. Address: Department of Entomology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. Phone: (301) 405-7664. Email: [email protected]
MICHAEL J. RAUPP, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor and Extension Entomologist at the University of Maryland, is a Fellow of the Entomological Society of America. Mike has published and spoken widely on the ecology and management of insects and mites. He is the recipient of TCIAs President’s Award and the Richard Harris Authors Citation from the International Society of Arboriculture. His “Managing Insect and Mite Pests of Woody Landscape Plants” published by Tree Care Industry is an authoritative guide for arborists, and his “26 Things that Bug Me” published by ISA introduces youngsters to the wonders of insects. Mike's Bug of the Week blog and YouTube channel enlightens tens of thousands of viewers weekly on the wonders of insects (http://bugoftheweek.com/). Address: Department of Entomology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. Phone: (301) 405-3912. Email: [email protected]
KAREN K. RANE, Ph.D., retired in 2024 as the Director of the University of Maryland Plant Diagnostic Laboratory. She has more than 25 years of experience in plant problem diagnosis, specializing in the diseases of woody and herbaceous ornamentals. She has authored numerous articles and conducted workshops and presentations on disease diagnosis and disease management. Address: Department of Entomology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. Email: [email protected] DAVID L. CLEMENT, Ph.D., serves as a state-wide extension resource in plant pathology/IPM/diagnostics dealing with pest problems of commercial/residential ornamental landscapes and turf. He is the author of four books and more than 800 publications on managing diseases and pests utilizing IPM strategies. Email: [email protected]
PATRICK ANDERSON is the Director of Research & Arborologists for Rainbow Ecoscience where he provides direction for Rainbow’s Regional Technical Arboricultural/Horticultural Advisors and Research Scientists. He has years of practical tree care experience, has a B.S. in Forest Science from Penn State University, is an ISA Board-Certified Master Arborist and Municipal Specialist, ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified, an ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist, and a North Carolina Licensed Landscape Contractor. In addition, he served as the associate voting member of the ASC A300 Committee and as President of the American Society of Consulting Arborists.
PETER BECKER retired in 2020 as a Senior Vice President with Bartlett Tree Experts. He has a degree in Botany and Business from Roanoke College. Peter served with Bartlett as a grounds man, climber, arborist/representative, Local Manager in the Baltimore, MD office, and Assistant Division Manager for the Mid-East Division. He also served as Senior-Vice President and Division Manager of the Mid-Atlantic Division. Peter was instrumental in developing IPM at Bartlett in Baltimore and other locations. Peter is a member of the Maryland Arborist Association and served as president from 1988-1990, as Chairman of the Maryland Community Forestry Council from 1996-1998, and in 2000, 2001 and 2003 was a Tour des Trees rider raising funds for the Tree Fund. Peter was the Division Manager representative to the Bartlett Safety Committee from 2001-2003. He served as the Bartlett Tree Experts representative to the ANZI A-300 Committee until 2015 and was the sub-group committee chair for development of the new Part 10 IPM standard that will be adopted for the industry. He currently serves on the business accreditation council for TCIA.